Today I hit 34 weeks. I am so so done. I am measuring 40 weeks. The babies are measuring around 4 pounds. My body aches, especially my back. I am done being pregnant. I think everyone reaches a point when they are done and I am there. I have been having contractions. The doctor think I will not make it much longer. November 22nd is my induction date if they are not here yet. I am grateful that most of my weight gain has gone to my stomach and not all over my body. Though Dennis said my stomach is in bad shape. I can't see that low so I can't see what he is talking about which is probably a good thing. I thought about taking a picture of it but who would want to see... not me! Both babies are head down which is nice so I can try a regular delivery. Though I have to deliver in the operating room incase of complications. I am excited to meet these two. We do not have a second name picked out yet.... This is defiantly stressing me out. But other than a name and packing my hospital bag (I know I know) we are ready.
I can't believe you are that close! The time has flown by! (atleast for me) I can't wait to see pictures of these cute little boys!
You look cute!
Crystal, you seriously look so good!!! I can tell that the weight has only gone to your stomach-- you're thin as can be everywhere else! I've been thinking about you, and have been wondering if they were here yet-- I'm excited for you and can't wait to hear the good news!! Good luck- I hope it goes well.
love that belly! I'm sure you don't though, it looks good on you. seriously, you look good for being pregnant with twins! I can't wait for you to have these boys so I can see some pics, and so you can come visit the burg. =) Good Luck hope it goes well for you!!
AHHHH, i am so excited or you! You are right, it is ALL in your belly, you look adorable! Good luck in the next few weeks!
Wow, girlie! You look awesome! Can't wait to see you guys when we come in December. I'm staying until January 8th. We'd love to have Audrey over a couple time for a play date!
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