So there has been this craft store that I have been dying to go to. So one day Audrey and I finally stopped by. Audrey found this little duck that she immediately had to have. From that point on Audrey and her duck were insepperable. She took it everywhere with her. Within the first 48 hours of Audrey owning the duck it had half of its feathers plucked, lost it's head, lost a foot, had sugery so we could fix the head and the foot. (Got to love superglue), Had a bath in the sink, and got toweled off where it lost even more feathers, has had some snacks and some juice, and finally went to bed.
I had to stop by this cute little gift shop and purchased another duck so we could see a before and after. I think I will wait a little while until I let Audrey own a real pet! Although it has been really cute watching her mothering side come out.