My life right now is crazy! Seriously. This is a normal week. School full time, working 15 hours a week, making time for Audrey, and cleaning the house (Though I have to say Dennis does almost all the laundry, and a ton of housework! thanks babe). I can't wait for this semester to be done. One more month and we are finished with the semester. My mom took Audrey for me for an entire week. I think all the stress was starting to catch up with me. I was starting to feel like a bad mom because I am either at school or work everyday which makes it hard on Audrey and myself honestly. It was a break Dennis and I both desperately needed. I think it is safe to say Audrey needed it too.
I was able to get away for the weekend at my mom's and get recharged. I was also able to spend some one on one time with Audrey. Thank you mom I Know you lost some sanity having a three year old with a big attitude! We really owe you one.
I was able to get some fun shots while I was done there. Just thought I would share some random pictures.