I am so grateful for my family. They make me crazy and happy all at the same time.
Halle has hit terrible two's 6 months early. She is so cute and such a stinker at the same time. Her and Brody fight constantly. It is mostly me telling her to be nice to him.
This picture cracks me up. I love her face. You can see the not so innocent side of Halle. Love you girly.
Such a cutie though. She loves her Daddy so so much! So do I
Haha oh Halle Your faces are so stinkin cute.
Taylor is crazy right now. He is nuts! He loves to jump off of things, wrestle with his brother, and is 100% boy!
He loves to color. I have been taking my camera out more often. He brought me his book and said take a picture mom. Good work buddy!
This horse is special. It has been through all of our kiddos. I was telling Dennis that we need to keep this for our grandkids one day..... Brody is such a sweetheart right now. He loves to cuddle up with his mommy and I am trying to slow down and suck up every minute of it!
These two are BEST friends. I hope this never changes.
It was nice to get in front of the camera. This is something I am going to have to work on but I want more pictures with my kids. Can you tell I am from Washington look at that pale skin that never sees the sun... It's time for a vacation somewhere warm and sunny!
Hahaha oh Halle...
Audrey is the BEST big sister in the world. I seriously could not handle my life without her. She is always willing to help, has more patience than I do, and just loves her brothers and sisters.
Proof that Taylor is crazy. I am not even sure what he is doing here. He just runs around like a crazy man!