Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It Worked!

Yesterday Dennis and I went through all of our baby clothes. It worked. When I got to all of Audrey's preemie clothes I could not believe how small they were. The crazy thing is our babies will probably be swimming in there preemie clothes for a little while. It hit me yesterday that Audrey is probably going to be my biggest baby at 6lbs 13oz. I am okay with that! I feel so grateful today for the blessing of two babies. I feel that Heavenly father knows I can handle two babies. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning and I get another ultrasound. I am going to like getting an ultrasound every time. I have decided to quit stressing. It is not doing me any good nor the babies so I just need to be happy and grateful that I get to have two babies at once.


Meagan Cooper said...

yea, everything will be great! I am so excited to find out what you are having! 2 babies with one pregnancy sounds good to me.

Tanya said...

Yay! I'm glad your excited now, I'm way excited for! and excited to come help with some little babies...I can't wait to find out what your having either!!