Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In the Eye of Audrey

At school yesterday Audrey drew a picture of mom. I have never seen her draw anything other than stick people until yesterday. She had a conversation with her teacher that her mom was fat and she needed to draw a big belly. Audrey happened to leave the part out that her mom is pregnant with twins. Honestly her picture represents how I feel. Gotta love kids.


Tammy and Chris said...

Crystal: You are a beautiful women, and I am sure you look cute prego. You are not fat, just have two cute babies growing inside!!

Tyrell Berner said...

I am sure you look great! So glad to hear that the twins are growing so well.

Kaye Coatney said...

This is so cute, you have to keep this picture for her to see when she is pregnant. Somehow I don't think you look anything like this.

Kimra Bham said...

So funny! Gotta love the blunt honesty of kids :) Although, I'm sure you look great!!! Congrats on the twins, that's very exciting!