Friday, November 19, 2010

Brody Scott Coatney

Brody Scott was born second. His sac was broken right before he came out. When he was delivered the sac was stuck around his head full of fluid. He was born with what they call Wet Lung Disease.

Brody is on a "C-Pap" machine that helps him breathe. His lungs were immature when he was born. Wednesday was a rough day. The machine was doing 54% of his breathing with his Sats on sitting around 80% so he really was not breathing very much on his own. He started a fever in the evening. Dennis came down with Jeff and administered a priesthood blessing to help him out.

As of now he is down to 21% on the machine. He is able to hold his SATS around 95% which is great. It looks like Brody will start weaning off the machine and may be off of it tomorrow evening.

I finally got to hold Brody today. It was a precious moment which made today a great day. They took off his "C-Pap" machine for a few moments to clean his face and give his nose a break. We would massage his head where the straps were and he got a huge smile on his face. I can't wait for him to get off this machine. Brody was born at 4lbs 14oz and currently weighs 4lbs 11oz. He has a lot of swelling in his eyes so his weight will go down when the swelling goes down.


Tanya said...

Oh Crystal I'm glad the delivery went well, I hope Brody keeps getting better, is the Wet Lung disease something that will affect him his whole life or just for a little while? Love the name Taylor! Hope your feeling okay! I'll keep you all in my prayers!! Can't wait to see more pictures of those cute babies!!

Tammy and Chris said...

Poor little buddy. I am glad he got a blessing, and I hope they get to go home soon. I look forward in seeing more pictures!