Wednesday, November 19, 2008

mixed emotions

My life right now is full of mixed emotions. On one hand when I think of school I get so excited. There are going to be so many positive changes. Dennis and I will have our own home, we will be making a positive move for our future, we will be in a church environment, we can make some friends our own age. I can keep going. However I am feeling overwhelmed at the moment. There is so much to do before we move. My mom flew in today to help me with the drive to school. It just put it into reality that we are going really soon. To top it off I am feeling really sad. It is hard realizing that we will be farther away from family. I guess I always took it for granted having family so close. If I ever needed anything I could pick up the phone call and have help. Now it will be harder living so far away. Audrey is going to miss playing with her cousins. I know this is a weird blog but this is what blogging is for. To write about the happy, the sad, and the confusing and I guess this one falls under all three categories.

1 comment:

Tammy and Chris said...

I am so sad you guys are moving away for 4 years. The time will fly by so fast though. I am so proud of you guys and your decisions. You will gain so much from this experience, not only your education. Atleast Heather is moving to. That will be nice for all of you. I am excited to come visit. It will help with the time when Chris deploys. I want to go to Yellowstone when Chris comes back with you guys too. Atleast its a hop, skip and a jump away.